📚Guide to checking & claiming your $ZEX

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Firstly, you’ll need to check your eligibility for the airdrop.

  • Connect Your Wallet: Head over to token.zeta.markets and connect your wallet (please ensure you have the correct link)

  • Check Eligibility: Use our eligibility checker to see if you’re eligible for $ZEX

Step 2: Choose Your Claim Option

Option 1: Diamond Hand Claim

This option provides the greatest overall rewards for long-term believers of Zeta Markets who want to dive right in to staking, and in future, governance.

  1. Select Diamond Hand Claim: On the claim page, click the Diamond Hand Claim

  2. Review Your Allocation: Check out your full token allocation, including the 7-Day Bonus.

  3. Choose Your Staking Period: Decide how long you want to stake your tokens – anywhere from 1 month to 4 years.

  1. Confirm and Stake:

Once you're set, confirm your claim and stake your tokens in one go, this gets you:

  • A seat at the governance table

  • Eligibility for the staking airdrop.

  • Boosted rewards from staking & governance participation (coming soon)

  • A higher average gZEX for the first epoch, boosting your staking airdrop allocation

Option 2: Immediate Claim

The immediate claim option provides the choice to users who would like to claim now, or before the full 7 days bonus vesting, without receiving maximum bonus rewards.

  1. Select Immediate Claim: On the claim page, opt for Immediate Claim.

  2. Review Your Allocation: You’ll see your Base Allocation and Community Airdrop amounts. If you’re within the 7-day post-TGE window, you’ll also see any unlocked portion of the 7-Day Bonus.

  3. Claim Your Tokens: Grab the tokens that are available.

  4. Stake to get more $ZEX: After claiming, you can choose to stake your tokens to qualify for the staking airdrop and earn boosted incentives

Step 3: Staking Airdrop

Staking your tokens within the Genesis Epoch makes you eligible for the staking airdrop, which allocates 2% of the token supply based on your average gZEX score over the epoch.

Tips to Maximize Your Staking Airdrop:

  • Stake early: the sooner you stake, the higher your average gZEX

  • Stake more: the more tokens you stake, the better the rewards

  • Stake longer: longer commitments mean a bigger boost to your gZEX

Step 4: Start qualifying for Trading Rewards

Once you have decided on your options around claim and staking, you can start trading to earn ongoing epoch-based rewards. All trading volume after the snapshot qualifies for the Genesis Epoch Rewards (rewarded at the end of the Genesis Epoch, 28 days after TGE). We have also announced long term epoch-based rewards for our Ambassador and Creator Programs.

Last updated

Change request #954: TGE